Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Prelim URL


Per the influence of the internet for creatives/artists/filmmakers:

Love and love-lost. This “Theme relates to human interaction.  Where there is that one specific person that has affected us in an etreme emotional way, either immense love, tenderness or heartbreak and loss.”  (via This first theme “Only You”, would be an interesting subject for the students to explore because it’s universal (i.e. everyone has […]


Nike- Round 2


Round 2: – Keeping with the aesthetic of a skater boy starting from 12 and up which happens to be the demographic chosen.  Decided on keeping the look + feel organic.  Where it’s pretty much a boy’s daydream of the pro skater world, so there’s a few doodles incorporated which you’d find in their notebooks, […]

Movie: Brighton Rock