Archive for the ‘Graphic Design’ Category

In Paris, there’s a patisserie called Lauduree and quite famous for these delicious demons. They are famous for a lot of sugary but artistic desserts but mostly the macarons.  These macarons are pretty much the death of me. I blame these little goodies for the six pounds I put on and the double chin. Then […]



Featuring: Le Buro (French Bistro) This is such a feast (literally) of type. Such an ingenious tactic without relying on imagery.

Perhaps my most favorite Scandinavian country (besides Denmark), in terms of design and stark minimalist aesthetics, I love Norway… and their fascination with water. Voss won best packaging when it first came out: Another packaging for water: I love this painting: Beautiful: Graphics: Also, Norwegians aren’t too afraid to use vibrant colors in their repertoire […]

I usually equate minimalism with Scandinavia because of what I’ve observed, from past roommates, museums, furniture, films, packaging, etc… Scandinavians are also the only ones I know who can create numerous types (different shades) of white and they’ve had the ability to make starkness inviting and calming to me. Others have tried but I think […]

Calvin Klein is who I would call the Baron of Minimalism… For a certain type an American (aesthetic) lifestyle, Calvin has always been a believer of clean lines, simple and practical structures. LOGO: The font he used was Futura Light for his logo, sans serif, and again, clean, very straight forward. HOME: He has promoted […]

Society’s environment has bombarded us with lots of information in regards to what to buy, right down to which retirement plan is best for you. You either get through it by not caring or suddenly get overwhelmed by it when you go to the grocery store and all you wanted to do is buy ice […]